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Software Radio Solution For 2-5G

Case study

FOr the highest Performance with lowest Energy Consumption

Our Client is multinational networking and telecommunications company and leading provider of Information and Communication Technology to service providers.

Software Radio System for 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G mobile network base station systems. Radio System is designed to fit all site types and traffic scenarios, even as networks grow in scale and complexity, from 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G – delivering industry-leading performance on the smallest site footprint with the lowest energy consumption.

The Challenge

The main challenge that our Team had to face was huge code base (few million lines of code), developed in parallel by hundreds of developers working from different locations. Complicated and constantly changing domain. No less challenging was domain itself – complicated and constantly changing.

Our Services

We’ve built self-organizing and cross-functional team responsible for developing and maintaining Radio System for 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile network base station systems. The team consisted of 7 software engineers in the role of senior and mid.

The scope of work included end-to-end feature delivery, starting from early design/prototype stage (cooperation with system architects) to final verification. Our software components run on dedicated Linux based units and are responsible for managing, configuring and supervising base station hardware elements and logical resources.​ The team developed well-specified features i.e., Radio Dot system, which enables 5G telecommunication indoor.

We took responsibility of current delivery and project maintenance, which de-loaded the client operations. In the end, this created a space for client teams to focus on acceleration of the projects on their future agenda and long-term goals.


·    C++11/14/17,​
·    Linux,​
·    protobuf,​
·    cmake,​
·    gtest,​
·    gmock,​
·    git,​
·    gerrit.​

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