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5 Dec 2024


Mattias Liljenberg

Nexer Group strengthens its management with Mattias Liljenberg as new CIO (Chief Information Officer) as of December 5. Mattias has over 20 years of experience in IT and comes with a broad background in both technology and business development.

Mattias Liljenberg has previously worked at leading companies such as Volvo Cars, MQ and CGI, where he was responsible for everything from IT infrastructure and security to e-commerce and major change projects.

“I’m attracted by Nexer’s forward-thinking spirit and strong culture. There is a drive and a clear focus on results that suits me perfectly. IT is not a stand-alone function, but a central part of the business success, and I look forward to continuing the digitalisation journey and creating long-term solutions together with Nexer’s team”,says Mattias.

One of Mattias’ primary tasks will be to lead Nexer’s strategic IT initiatives to build an effective platform. He will also work with business-related IT to create increased customer value, as well as work for closer integration and uniformity between Nexer’s companies and support the overall goal of streamlining IT support throughout the group.

“We are facing an exciting development, where AI and digitalisation will play an even greater role in the business. It will be crucial to ensure that our systems are adapted for the future and that we can deliver value through efficient and user-friendly solutions”, says Mattias.

With a background as a developer, project manager and team leader, Mattias has a deep understanding of IT and a strong focus on business value. He describes himself as a person who makes things happen and is driven by creating change and development. In addition to work, Mattias is also active in sports and has a great commitment to youth movement, including as a coach and leader in Pixbo floorball club.

“We are very pleased to welcome Mattias to Nexer. His experience and commitment will be invaluable for our development and investment in digital solutions, and we look forward to continuing our strong growth and embrace future challenges and opportunities in tech and digitalisation”, says Lars Kry, CEO, Nexer.

About Nexer
Nexer Group is an international tech company with roots in Swedish entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. Nexer has 2,500 experts in 16 countries and is part of the Danir Group, a Swedish privately owned company with 11,200 employees in 26 countries. Nexer works with some of the world’s largest and most demanding companies, providing expertise in digital transformation, IT, tech and R&D.

For more information, please contact:
Mattias Liljenberg, CIO, Nexer Group

Lisa Sendrén, Project Manager Corporate Marketing, Nexer Group